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Dunedin Rotary Triathlon Race Information

Join us for this Sprint Triathlon on Sunday, May 18, 2025

Triathlon: 1/4 Mile Swim ~   12 Mile Bike ~ 5K Run

Duathlon: 5K Run ~   12 Mile Bike ~ 5K Run

AquaBike: 1/4 Mile Swim ~ 12 Mile Bike


Honeymoon Island State Park
1 Causeway Blvd
Dunedin, FL US 34698


The Dunedin Triathlon has been one of Florida's most desired and favorite sprint distance triathlons since its launch in 2003.  The venue, Honeymoon Island State Park, has repeatedly been named on the top beaches and travel destinations worldwide.


Get your super cool Dri-Fit event shirt at early packet pickup, which will be available on Friday evening and Saturday, as well as early race day morning. 


FRIDAY:  May 16, 2025 - NEW LOCATION!
Pre-Race Packet Pick-Up
4:00 PM - Closing - Out
spokin Bicycles at 2241 Gulf to Bay Blvd, Clearwater, FL 33765

YOU MUST HAVE your picture ID at packet pick up.


SATURDAY:  May 17, 2025
Pre-Race Packet Pick-Up
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM at Lucky Lobster Co, 941 Huntley Ave. Dunedin, FL 34698   Get Directions   727-228-1222
YOU MUST HAVE your picture ID at packet pick up.


SUNDAY:  May 18, 2025  (Park Entry Fee Paid by Rotary Club!)
Day of Race Registration is available
5:30 AM Packet Pick-Up, Transition Opens, Bike Check-In
7:30 AM - First Wave Start
10:00 AM - Awards Ceremony (time is approximate)



You must be onsite NO later than 6:30 a.m. as the Causeway will be closed by Law Enforcement.  Please give yourself PLENTY of time to get from your car to race central.  Once there, you will need to get body marked, then pick up your timing chip, get all your equipment into transition and be ready to attend the MANDATORY race director meeting at 7:15 a.m. 

Race Day Information

Race Policies:

Transfers & Refunds

USAT Wetsuits

USAT Rule Book



There is no fee to get into the park and on the island for the race. Park gates will be open at 5:30 am for athletes to enter.  Volunteers will be onsite to direct you to both parking and packet pickup.    


The first wave will go into the water at 7:30 a.m.  Waves will go into the water in three (3) minute intervals.  Exact wave times will be announced prior to the race.  No matter which wave you are assigned, EVERY ATHLETE should be prepared to be at the beach by 7:15 a.m. for the race director meeting and to go in your assigned wave.


SWIM-Not required, but definitely, a strong suggestion would be swim goggles or a mask. No artificial propulsion device, including but not limited to fins, gloves, paddles, or floating devices of any kind is allowed. Depending on the weather, there are some broken shells at the venue during the swim so you are allowed to wear water shoes on the swim. We will provide you with a swim cap that will correspond to the swim wave you are assigned to. You MUST wear your assigned Swim Cap.

BIKE-You will need a bicycle and helmet. The race does not provide bikes for athletes but there are local bike shops that do rent bicycles by the day.  Please Google search or look up Tampa Bay bike shops and I'm sure you will quickly be led to a bike if you need to rent one.  USAT rules stipulate that you must wear a helmet and have it clipped in before you begin the bike portion of the race.  You will be disqualified if you do not.  We will provide you with numbers for your Helmet and Bike to use on race day, they will be in your packet.

RUN-You will need a pair of running shoes.  We will provide you with your bib number and pins, which must be worn on the front of your person during the final run portion of the event and at the finish line.

TRANSITION-We recommend that you bring a towel to lay your items out in transition. Some folks like to bring a container of freshwater to rinse off their feet after the swim. Wear sunscreen, it's typically sunny and very hot, But please DO NOT APPLY sunscreen until AFTER you have been Body Marked. We will assign you a race number that you will find on a rack in transition.  You will need to have yourself body marked and wear your timing chip to be allowed into transition.  ONLY participating athletes will be allowed in transition.

TIMING - All athletes will have your Disposable Timing Chip included in your Race Envelope. Simply remove the small tab at the end of the strap to reveal the adhesive. You will wear the chip on your left ankle.   Make sure to leave 2 fingers of space between the strap and your leg to avoid chaffing.  DO NOT REMOVE THE FOAM PIECES ON THE STRAP.  You will be timed in 5 areas of the race.  As a backup, we encourage athletes to shout out their number as they run past a timing point, so the manual backup timers can get your number. 




The swim takes place along the middle of Honeymoon Island beach. The swim is a triangle course starting and finishing on the beach. The depth of the water ranges from very shallow near the shore to 8-12 feet, depending on the tide. If you need to move inside the buoys to rest you may NOT make a forward motion. You may only make forward motion once you have regained a position on the course. Please note before you head to swim start to count how many rows in or out your bike rack is positioned so you are not confused when you enter T1.



The first mile of the run course goes along the coastline on the hard asphalt of the parking lots along the west coast of the island. The second mile of the run takes you onto a hard-packed trail near the beach and into the shady and remote trails of Osprey Trailhead. The final mile leads you out of Osprey and back onto the asphalt of the parking lot to the finish line. Please note before you head to run start to count how many rows in or out your bike rack is positioned so you are not confused when you enter T1.



The AquaBike Course ENDS as you cross the timing point into Transition #2 and complete the Bike Segment. Then proceed at your leisure, to the Finish Line for your Finisher Medal.


Both Triathletes and Duathletes will enter Transition following their first evolution. Athletes are timed in transition by the RFID Chip timing device worn on their ankles. The time from swim end and T1 begins when the athlete crosses over the timing mat. Athletes may run in transition as they progress to their designated bike rack.


The bike course is a 6-mile loop over the Dunedin Causeway draw bridge and into and around Honeymoon Island. The lap is done twice for a total of 12 miles. Athletes will be counted as they complete the first lap to make sure everyone does the entire course. No radios or headsets are allowed on the bike course. Your bike helmet must be secured and fastened before you mount your bike at the mounting line. No athlete may ever ride their bike inside the transition area. HELMETS MUST BE WORN through the entire bike course. Without one, you are a liability to the safety of the event. If you approach a no passing, dismount, or slow down area, do as you are told. These areas are set because we have very carefully gone over the course and taken measures to keep you all safe.

PASSING ON THE BIKE When on the bike course, keep to the hard right. If you intend to pass, make sure you have room, and then move out, and call out in a loud voice, ON YOUR LEFT. Make your pass then move again to the hard right of the bike path. DO NOT PASS ON THE RIGHT.


T2– Entering the transition for the second time you must dismount your bike at the designated dismount line. Keep your helmet on and fastened until you are back at your bike rack. You must dock your bike in the same area designated to be in at race start. Change into your running shoes and secure your race number.

 5K RUN:

The first mile of the run course goes along the coastline on the hard asphalt of the parking lots along the west coast of the island. It's sunny, easy and GORGEOUS. The second mile of the run takes you onto a hard-packed trail near the beach and into the shady and remote trails of Osprey Trailhead. The final mile leads you out of Osprey and back onto the asphalt of the parking lot to the finish line. It's a great run and we receive great accolades from the triathletes for this portion of the course.


FINISHER MEDALS for every athlete that finishes the race!


  • Awards: Top Male and Female Overall Winners

  • Top Male and Female Overall Master (40+)

  • Top Male and Female Overall Grand Master (50+)

  • Top Male and Female Overall Mega Master (60+)

  • Top 3 Male and Female in 5-year Age Groups, Duathlon, and Special Categories


 All proceeds go back to the local community through the Rotary Club of Dunedin!


The Dunedin Rotary Triathlon which started in 2003 is one of the largest and longest-running athletic events and fundraisers in Dunedin!


All funds raised for the event benefit the local Dunedin community to serve the needy, students, scholarships, and the homeless. Dunedin Rotary also leverages the international power of the Rotary International, the collective leadership and expertise of our 1.2 million members helps us tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, locally and globally. We are united by common values and vision for the future as we sharpen our focus with targeted specific causes that will reach communities most in need. 


Who is Dunedin Rotary? The Rotary Club of Dunedin chartered in 1947 is very active in our community and committed to the motto “Service Above Self.” Men and women who live or work in the local area come together to volunteer their efforts to help improve literacy, health, hunger, and scholarship in our neighborhoods and around the world. Each year the club raises funds to support these efforts and this year we are asking for you to join us. 


The Dunedin Rotary Triathlon at Honeymoon Island is our Club’s primary fundraiser. The event attracts more than 700 athletes of all ages for a fun-spirited race through one of Florida’s most scenic state parks. We are asking for your help to make our annual Dunedin Rotary Triathlon another success.


Who Benefits from the Triathlon?

 Your community benefits through the actions of The Rotary Club of Dunedin who is dedicated to serving the community and the world, as evidenced by our projects in India, Croatia, and Haiti.

Some of the local organizations Rotary Supports are as follows:

  • Dunedin High School college scholarships

  • Dunedin Cares food pantry

  • Dunedin Fine Art Center student scholarships

  • Dunedin History Museum 

  • Eckerd Connects Raising Hope 

  • Inner Wheel USA Foundation 

  • Literacy Council of Upper Pinellas 

  • Random Acts of Flowers 

  • Sailability Greater Tampa Bay 

  • Rotary Centennial Nature Center - Honeymoon Island State Park

  • Caladesi Discovery Center - Caladesi State Park

© 2019 Rotary Club of Dunedin

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